
The Unit is responsible for the following activities:

•providing systems to gather, organize and integrate information for use in the management of the department’s programs, and in the conduct of teaching, research and patient care;

•exploring and developing expertise in the application of new information technologies applicable to the department’s programs;

•managing the hardware, operating systems and application software necessary to support departmental programs;

•developing and enhancing the Pathology Clinical Information System and its database structure;

•providing in-house expertise for the procurement, installation, maintenance, operation and repair of microcomputer hardware and supported software;

•providing in-house expertise for digital imaging and graphic design services, which facilitates clear and concise information design for use in the department’s research, teaching, and clinical pursuits;

•establishing and maintaining telecommunications and data communications within the department and between the department and the world;

•establishing training programs for users of the Pathology Clinical Information System and supported microcomputer systems and software.