Log-In to the Repository
Access to the repository is open to all Yale University and Yale-New
Haven Hospital employees. Authentication requires entering a valid net
ID and password, or (eventually) a Yale-New Haven Hospital Active Directory
ID and password. If you are a new user, you will then be prompted to
create a profile for yourself. Please do so accurately. You may use a
unique password for access to the CaDR, but your user name cannot be
changed. Access by non-Yale affiliated investigators must be requested
through the CaDR unit in the Pathology Informatics program.
- I will not attempt to use this system to obtain any information for which I have not received proper authorization.
- I will not use this system to attempt to identify any patient on whom I have received anonymized data.
- I will protect any information I obtain from this system and not share it with anyone not specifically authorized to receive it.
- I accept full responsibility for properly managing, storing, and destroying any information I obtain from this system.
- I will not enter false information when setting up my account.
- I will use this system only when logged in under my own user ID and password.
- I will not share my user ID or password with anyone else, or allow anyone else to use the system while logged in as me.
- I understand that my activities in this system will be monitored and audited.