Yale School of Medicine
Department of Pathology
PO Box 208023
New Haven, CT 06520

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Chair’s Challenge Awards for Residents & Clinical Fellows

Mission: To stimulate new projects, new collaborations, and enriching experiences that benefit the training experience of our Residents and Clinical Fellows.

Qualifications: Applications will be reviewed from Residents in Yale Anatomic Pathology Program (any year) and Clinical Fellows in the Department of Pathology. Awards maybe made up to a maximum of $10,000.

Application: The applicants must write the entire application themselves. While most awards will be mentored, the Mentor will be required to write a letter of support that states “this application was written entirely by the applicant”. The proposal should include the following (3 pgs max, Arial 11 font, inclusive of figures):

Complete applications need to be submitted electronically as a single PDF file including:

  1. Title Page with name and contact information and Abstract for Project (250 words)
  2. The Proposal, as outlined above
  3. The Bibliography for the above Proposal (no page limit)
  4. NIH style Biosketch (2 pg max, inclusive of other support)
  5. Letter of Support from Mentor or Project Director
  6. Brief budget justification (1-2 paragraphs, 1 pg max)

Review: A study section composed of selected senior Yale and non-Yale faculty will review each proposal. Applications will be reviewed as they are received, and accepted so long as funds remain available. The study section will rank proposals on the basis of their novelty, feasibility, likelihood of success, and impact of the experience on the trainee and the field of pathology.

Seminar: Successful awardees, at the completion of their project, will present the results of their study at a Department-wide seminar.

Submission: Applications are to be submitted as a single PDF file to Dr. David Rimm, the departmental coordinator (david.rimm@yale.edu).

Awards will be made on a rolling basis; each award will be for use over a one-year period.
